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The docker-sgp-tools package provides the following docker-compose scripts:

  • robot-compose.yml: A minimal docker container used to run SGP-Tools ROS2 package on ArduPilot-based robots.
  • sitl-compose.yml: A GUI-based docker container with ROS2, Gazebo, ArduPilot SITL, and SGP-Tools used for simulating ArduPilot vehicles and testing SGP-Tools IPP code.


Getting Started

Starting the Containers

Run the following commands to start the SITL docker container:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd docker-sgp-tools
docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml exec sgptools bash

Use robot-compose.yml to run the minimal docker container.

Running SGP-Tools Online/Adaptive IPP with Gazebo/ArduRover Simulator

Image title

Use docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml exec sgptools bash to get a new terminal. Run the following commands in separate terminals in the docker container:

  • Launch Gazebo with the AION R1 UGV:

    gz sim -v4 -r r1_rover_runway.sdf
    To simulate a BlueBoat refer to this documentation. Note that the container already has Wave Sim installed in it.

  • Launch ArduRover SITL: -v Rover -f rover-skid --model JSON --add-param-file=$HOME/SITL_Models/Gazebo/config/r1_rover.param --console --map -N -l 35.30371178789218,-80.73099267294185,0.,0.
    Note: Restart if you get the following message: paramftp: bad count 1294 should be 1284

  • Launch the SGP-Tools Online/Adaptive IPP method:

    ros2 launch ros_sgp_tools

Building the Docker Containers from Scratch

First, setup buildx to build the containers for both arm64 and amd64 platforms:

docker buildx create --name multi-arch \
  --platform "linux/arm64,linux/amd64" \
  --driver "docker-container"
docker buildx use multi-arch

Next, clone the repo and build the container.

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd docker-sgp-tools
docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml build 

Use robot-compose.yml to build the minimal docker container.

Other commands

  • The docker-compose down command stops and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images, making it suitable for completely clearing all resources deployed by an application.

    docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml down
  • The docker-compose stop command just pauses running containers without removing them, which is ideal for temporary halts.

    docker-compose -f sitl-compose.yml stop


Based on Dockerfiles from the following repos:
